Best Mental Golf Tips to Stay Focused on the Course

These mental golf tips will help you stay focused and hopefully shave a stroke or two from your score. The physical side of golf is hard enough. There is no need to struggle with the mental side as well.

The game of golf is largely a mental battle. Professional golfers rarely share their mental golf tips because that is what gives them an edge over the competition. We have compiled the mental golf tips that we know of into this one article for you to read.

How to Win the Mental Side of Golf

Mental toughness plays a significant role in a every golfer’s performance, influencing their approach, focus, confidence, and ability to manage pressure. It is often the difference between winning and losing a tournament at the professional level.

Tiger Woods explained that he constantly tries to distract his son, Charlie, while they are on the golf course. He thinks this will help his son gain the mental toughness he needs to be a winner.

Tiger said: “It’s non-stop, If I can get into his head, that means someone else can get into his head. It’s going to get to a point where I can’t get into his head, and then no else can get in there either.”

With the exception of Charlie, none of us have Tiger Woods trying to get into our head. None of us have the GOAT teaching us mental golf tips. The rest of us mortals will have have to figure it out on our own.

Mental Golf Tips

The phycology of golf is highly individualized. Some of these mental golf tips will work for some golfers and be terrible for others. Unless you have your own mental coach, you’ll need to develop your own personal strategy after reading through these tips.


Developing a positive mindset is absolutely crucial. I have played plenty of rounds with golfers who let their mindset turn negative. It used to be me for a period of time. Your round turns into a complete dumpster fire when your mindset shifts from positive to negative.

The easiest way to combat negativity is to use positive self-talk and visualization to envision successful shots and outcomes. The successful shot rarely happens if you don’t envision it first.

Focus and Concentration

Have you ever hit a poor shot and then follow it up with about five more?

Staying focused on the present shot rather than dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future shots is vital. The phrase I always tell myself is “every shot is a new game”. Be present and focused on the current shot for best results.

Developing a pre-shot routine can help you maintain focus, even after poor shots. Each professional golfer has a unique pre-shot routine that keeps them dialed. If you watch enough golf, you know the pre-shot routines of all the best golfers. They are extremely consistent.


Belief in your abilities is fundamental. It is better to be overly confident than hesitant or timid. You know what your capabilities are and you should stand over the ball with 100% confidence.

You can work on building confidence through practice, preparation, and acknowledging past successes. The confident golfer always has the advantage.


Golf is a game of ups and downs, there is no doubt about it. Each hole has ups and downs. Each round has ups and downs. Each professional career has ups and downs.

Resilience and mental toughness help golfers bounce back from setbacks or bad shots. You can gain resilience through being positive and believing that the best is yet to come. Resilience is easy for those who have faith in themselves and in the future.

Managing Pressure

If you golf for long enough, the pressure will come. Whether your friends convince you to enter a tournament, or you have everyone watching you at a company golf outing. You can’t eliminate the pressure so you need to learn how to manage it.

Handling high pressure situations or crucial shots involves staying composed, controlling emotions, and executing under pressure. You need to be able to perform as you would under normal situations. This means keeping your same pre-shot routine and using the “every shot is a new game” mentality.

Course Management

I was once told that being a good poker player means you will be a good course manager. You always the chance of making an incredible shot, but does the risk outweigh the reward? That’s for you to decide.

Making strategic decisions on the course involves not only your physical skills but also mental calculations, weighing all the risks, and adapting to changing course conditions. There’s a reason professional golfers pay so much to have a good caddie. They help you make these decisions.

In the end, every golfer manages the course differently based on their risk tolerance and skill. Just make sure you are confident in whatever course management style you choose.

Laying up on par 5s can bring judgement


Managing emotions, especially frustration or anger after a bad shot, can take your golf game to the next level. I’ve made so many bad course management decisions while being frustrated or angry. It is a snowball that will keep growing if you keep rolling it.

Keeping emotions in check aids in making better decisions and executing shots the way you want to. I’ve found that talking through the problem to myself helps. You may look like you’ve lost your mind though.

Throwing golf club into the water

Learning from Mistakes

Adopting a growth mindset helps you see mistakes as learning opportunities rather than failures, enabling improvement instead of self-loathing. You can leave a bad round of golf angry, frustrated, and ready to quit golf forever. Or you can view it as an opportunity to improve the areas of your game that ruined your round. It’s up to you.

The greatest golfers, businessmen, athletes, hair stylists, and parents all learn from their mistakes. The ones that are too proud to change will never rise to the top. Once again, it’s all up to you.

Final Mental Golf Tips

These mental golf tips are the basics for a solid mental golf game. Hopefully they will help you shave a stroke or two off your score next time you head out to the golf course. Winning the mental part of golf is key to making a big step forward.

Our mental golf tips are not a complete list, nor are they a good substitute for a sports phycologist. Sports phycology is a rising profession and they would be happy to have you as a client.

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